Updating Java version for Coldfusion

Keeping up to date on your ColdFusion Cloud server is important, and one of the items that are best to keep up to date is Java. The goal of this article is to provide exact steps to update the Java version that your ColdFusion installation is using.

Downloading/ installation of Java JDK

  1. Start by browsing to the below URL and selecting the relevant Java JDK version for your ColdFusion version. Each major version of ColdFusion may run on a different major version of Java so its important to check this before selecting a JDK/Java version to download for your ColdFusion Application Server.


  2. Click the drop-down on the Java version that you are needing and select the installer that works for your OS.

  3. Once you have downloaded the installer and made sure it is uploaded to the Cloud server you are needing it installed on, you will need to run the installer as “Administrator” and click “Next” through all of the prompts until it installs Java on the server.

    NOTE: Starting at Java11.0.18, all installations of Java will share the same install folder path:

    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11

    This means that only a single version of Java can be installed at a time and when you attempt to install newer versions of Java an in-place upgrade will take place.

After installation configuration

  1. Open the following file:

    “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11\conf\security\java.security”

  2. update the following values:


  3. Save the changes

Updating the jvm.config

The jvm.config can be found in the /cfusion/bin/ directory (the exact location may vary depending on your ColdFusion version and installation configuration). In this file, you need to update the java.home variable to point to the new JDK installation directory.

  1. make a copy of the jvm.config

  2. Open the jvm.config

  3. Comment out the old java.home variable and make a new java.home variable that points to the new JDK:

    java.home=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-11

  4. Save the jvm.config

  5. Restart Coldfusion to finalize the update.

If you have any questions or encounter issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected].